Wednesday, September 15, 2010

828 at the Mall -- Americans are the best!

Yes, the hyena is looking good.  Well rested. 

She wanted me to resume the blog, especially after we got back from 828 in Washington, D.C.  So, we've been going over the pictures and discussing the message.  But then I received a package in the mail.  And I had to share this experience with you.

The package came from one of a pair of sisters that I met that morning before the program started.  I was walking around with my camera, watching people and asking some if they minded if I took their picture, and just chatting, when I asked these sisters if I could take their picture. 

Then we were just talking about why we had decided to come, where we were from, things like that, when I admired the shirts they were wearing. 

Turns out one of them, Vicki, did the embroidery.

And then Vicki offered to send me one for myself.  I was surprised, but excited.  She asked what kind of shirt I would like.  I said she should market them because they are classy and unique. I offered to pay for it, but of course she said no.

I hadn't forgotten about the shirt.  I did believe she would send it because she said she would, and that is the kind of person she is. 

That is the kind of person who was there that day.

We exchanged contact information and yesterday my shirt arrived in the mail along with a nice note.  This is a close up of the picture on the left.  One the right is the phrase, "Restoring Honor 8-28-10."

I'll have more to say and show about that day, but for now, I just want to admire my new shirt.

And reflect on the nature of Americans.  You can still find good solid honest people anywhere you go, if you care to look. 

God bless America.